TCTC (tac.cac) October 5, 2022 Agenda
Background Information
Item 2 - September Meeting Minutes
Item 3 - Resolutions allowing Remote Meetings
Item 3(a) - Memo from County Counsel
Item 4 - Scheduling this year's Unmet Transit Hearing
Item 5 - Resolution 704-22 Amending the FY 22/23 OWP
Item 5(a) - FY 23 OWP Budget Summary
Item 5(b) - Reconciliation letter from Caltrans
Item 5(c) - FY 23 OWP Amendment 1
Item 6 - Proposal from Wood Rodgers
Item 6(a) - Final 2022 Regional Transportation Update Request for Proposal
Item 6(b) - Contract with Wood Rodgers