TCTC Meeting Agenda for May 12, 2021
Background Information
Item 2 - Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2021
Item 3 - Appointment of Madeline Brown to the Citizen's Advisory Committee
Item 4 - California Draft Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure
Item 4(a) - Fact Sheet
Item 5 - Res. 641-21 Allocating LTF to Groveland Resiliency Center
Item 5(a) - Construction Document 301
Item 5(b) - Construction Document 101
Item 5(c) - Bid Tabulation Sheet
Item 5(d) - Multi Use Path
Item 6 - HIghway Infrastructure Program call for projects
Item 6 - HIP Funds fact sheet
Item 7 - Resolutions approving LTF allocations
Item 7(a) - LTF Supplemental estimates
Item 8 - Report on FY 21/22 LTF Estimates
Item 9 - Consideration of "open to the public" meetings - No Attachments