TCTC(tac.cac) Agenda for September 7, 2022
Background Information
Item 2 - Meeting Minutes
Item 3 - Resolutions allowing Remote Meetings
Item 3(a) - Memo from County Counsel
Item 4 - Resolution 697-22 Authorizing the State of Good Repair program
Item 4(a) - FY 23 State of Good Repair Project List
Item 4(b) - FY22/23 Allocation Estimates
Item 4(c) - Certifications and Assurances
Item 5 - Resolution 698-22 approving the FY 23 Final Budget
Item 5(a) - County MOU Amendment
Item 5(b) - TCTC Final Budget
Item 6 - Resolution 696-22 Allocating funds to the Jamestown Sidewalk Project
Item 6(a) - Map of Project
Item 7 - Proposals for the 2022 Regional Transportation Plan Update
Item 7(a) - TCTC Final RFP for the Regional Transportation Plan Update