TCTC Seeks Public Input on Greenley Road Extension Project Request for Qualifications and Included Scope of Work
A Request for Qualifications is a preliminary document written, and published, to recruit a consultant to work on a project. In this case, that project is the Greenley Road Extension (Otherwise known as the "North-South Connector").
On March 15, 2023 the initial Project Development Team (PDT) meeting was held which included representatives from the City of Sonora, Tuolumne County, Caltrans, and the Tuolumne County Transportation Council. The discussion at that meeting centered around the content of the Draft Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and the goals for the project. TCTC incorporated feedback from PDT members into an updated Draft RFQ which was provided to Board members at the public meeting on December 13, 2023.
Staff recognize that, due to the scale and complexity associated with it, the project requires careful consideration of the impact it will have upon the Region when complete. As a result, Staff only provided the RFQ this month in order to allow Board members, and the public, ample time for review and consideration of the content and its possible impact on the community. Staff will put the item on the February 14, 2024 TCTC meeting agenda for discussion, revisions, and possible approval.
Note on Legal Representation
County Counsel provides legal services to the TCTC. Sarah Carrillo has expressed concerns about conflicts and the amount of time needed by staff on the Greenley Road project. Ms. Carrillo has requested the TCTC seek outside counsel on the project. Staff will bring back a contract for Counsel on the project at a later date.
How You Can Provide Your Input
If you would like more information before reviewing the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) document, you can review the Greenley Road Extension Project page [here].
If you would like to review the Request for Qualifications document, and the Scope of Work contained within the RFQ, you can find it attached below or towards the bottom of the linked project web page.
Once you have reviewed the document, if you have input you would like to provide, you can click [here] and fill out the online form or you can submit your comments to Darin Grossi, TCTC's Executive Director, at:
If you do not want to submit your comments digitally you may attend our February 14, 2024 board meeting at 3pm in the Board of Supervisors Chambers on the 4th floor of 2 South Green Street, Sonora, CA 95370.
Written comments will be taken until February 14, 2024 at 12pm, noon. In-person comments may be given at the board meeting at 3pm the same day.