TCTC Meeting Agenda for September 8, 2021
Background Information
Item 2 - Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2021
Item 3 - Resolution 651-21 re-defining Unmet Transit Needs criteria
Item 3(a) - Resolution 515-15
Item 4 - Appointment of Elizabeth Thompson to the SSTAC
Item 4(a) - Bylaws of the SSTAC
Item 4(b) - Current SSTAC Membership Roster
Item 5 - Resolution 652-21 recognizing Tyler Summersett for his 10+ years with the TCTC/TCTA
Item 6 - Schedule this year's Unmet Transit needs Hearing for December 8, 2021
Item 7 - Update on the 2022 STIP Fund Estimates
Item 7(a) - 2022 California Transportation Commission STIP Guidelines