TCTC Meeting Agenda for July 14, 2021
Background Information
Item 2 - Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2021
Item 3 - Appointments to the SSTAC
Item 3 - SSTAC Bylaws
Item 3 - Current SSTAC Member Roster
Item 4 - Resolution 650-21 - Authorizing execution of State of Good Repair Program
Item 4(a) - Resolution 328-20 authorizing the Exec. Dir. to submit requests for funding
Item 4(b) - FY 21/22 Allocation Estimates
Item 5 - Contract with Kittleton Assoc. for Evacuation Routes
Item 5(b) - Scope of Work
Item 6 - Contract Amendment #1 with LSC to assist with Strategic Goal Setting
Item 6(a) - Proposal from LSC