TCTC Meeting Agenda for January 13, 2021
Background Information
Item 2 - November 12, 2020 Meeting Minutes
Item 3 - Proposed Meeting Dates for 2021 - No Attachments
Item 4 - Elect a new Chair and Vice Chair for the TCTC - No Attachments
Item 5 - Resolution recognizing the many contributions of Michael Ayala - Presented at meeting
Item 6 - Resolution expressing appreciation of John Gray - Presented at meeting
Item 7 - Consideration of appointing a Citizen at Large Member to the TCTC - No Attachments
Item 8 - Draft Study Report for SR49/108 Widening Project
Item 8 (a) - Memo re: Project dated November 2009
Item 9 - Adoption of SR49 Jamestown/Columbia Multi Modal Corridor plan
Item 10 - Report on TCTC Projected funding for 5-10 years
Item 10(a) - CMAQ-HIP Eligibility Criteria
Item 10 (b) - Memo from County PW Director
Item 10 (c) - E-Mails regarding funding priorities
Item 11 - Application for Caltrans Sustainable Transportation