TCTC Amended Agenda for October 11, 2023
Background Information
Item 2 - September Meeting Minutes
Item 3 - Consideration of Cancelling November meeting(s) - No Attachments
Item 4 - Appointments to the Citizen Advisory Committee
Item 5 - Resolution 725-23 Programming CMAQ funds to the Multi Use Path Project
Item 6 - Selection of Interview Panel for the Citizen at Large vacancy
Item 7 - 2023 RTP Proposed Goals and Procedures
Item 8 - Reports
Item 9 - CLOSED SESSION: Conference with Labor Negotiators: Sarah Carrillo, County Counsel; Cody Nesper, Deputy County Counsel; Karen McGettigan, Deputy County Administrator - Human Resources/Risk Mngmnt.; Debi Bautista, County Auditor-Controller. (Authority: (Ca. Gov. Code Section 54957.6) - Executive Director, Unrepresented Employee.