TCTA Agenda for September 21, 2022
Background Information
Item 2 - July 13 Meeting Minutes
Item 3 - Resolution allowing Remote meetings
Item 3(a) - Memo from Legal Counsel
Item 4 - Resolution 95-22 updating Purchasing Policies
Item 4(a) - TCTA Revised Purchasing Policies
Item 4(b) - County revised purchasing policy
Item 5 - Resolution 94-22 Adopting FY 22/23 State of Good Repair Project List
Item 5(a) - State of Good Repair Project List
Item 6 - Resolution 98-22 Adopting the Final FY 22/23 Budget
Item 6(a) - County Memo for Executive/Confidential MOU Compensation Plan
Item 6(b) - TCTA FY 22/23 Final Budget
Item 7 - Surplus of Bus 47 - NO ATTACHMENTS