TCTC Agenda for December 14, 2022
Background Information
Item 2 - October Meeting Minutes
Item 3 - Resolution for Remote Meetings
Item 3(a) - Memo from County Counsel
Item 4 - Meeting Dates for 2023 - No Attachments
Item 5 - Update on Recent Grant Efforts - No Attachments
Item 6 - RFP for Performance Audits
Item 6(a) - AGreement for Performance Audits
Item 7 - Unmet Transit Needs Hearing for Fiscal Year 22/23
Item 7(a) - Survey
Item 7(b) - Proof of Publication
Item 8 - Evacuation Needs Assessment
Item 8(a) - Informational Flyer
Item 9 - MOU and Work Plan for Planning Grant collaboration