TCTA Meeting Agenda for June 12, 2024
Consideration of approving Councilmember Haff's remote attendance of the TCTA Meeting pursuant to Government Code Section 54953
Background Information
Item2 - May 8 Meeting minutes
Item 3 - Resolution 116-24 authorizing the Executive Director to sign documents and receive funding
Item 3(a) - Resolution 60-20
Item 4 - Resolution 17-24 approving the TCTA FY24/25 recommended budget
Item 4(a) - FY 24/25 Recommended budget
Item 5 - Approve a one year contract with EffecTV
Item 5(a) - YARTS Marketing
Item 5(b) - FY 23/24 Reports
Item 6 - Update on VIA scheduling App implementation
App "How-To"
Item 6(b) - Transit App Poster
Item 6(c) - Transit App Social Media Poster
Item 7 - Contract between TCTA And Area 12 to provide Transportation for Common Grounds clients