TCTA Meeting Agenda for April 14, 2021
Background Information
Item 2 - March 10, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Item 3 - Resolution 65-21 authorizing LCTOP funds extending free transit service
Item 4 - Appoint Peter Rei as the Citizen at Large Member - No Attachments
Item 5 - Adopt TCTA's FY2021 Mid Year Budget
Item 6 - Enter into agreement with Southside Sr. Services
Item 6(a) - Scope of Work
Item 7 - Res. 64-21 - agreement between TCTA and TPPA
Item 7(a) - TPPA Contract Agreement
Item 7(b) - TPPA New member Application
Item 7(c) - TPPA Program
Item (d) - TPPA Rules and Regulations
Item 8 - Update on COIVD relief funds for transit operating expenses
Item 8(a) - Fact Sheet