TCTC Meeting Agenda for September 16, 2020-- TCTC September Agenda.pdfDownload PDF • 654KBFinal Tuolumne ATP Report Only_9.14.2020Download 2020 • 15.13MBATP Response to CommentsATP_Comments Response 9-15-20.pdfDownload PDF • 170KBBackground InformationItem 2 - August Meeting Minutes Item 3 - Res. 629-20 Approving the State of Good Repair ProgramItem 3 (a) - August 1st Estimate Item 4 - Res. 628-20 authorizing the Exec. Dir. to receive Federal/State funding Item 4 (a) - Resolution 573-17Item 5 - Re-appointment of Bob Asquith to the Citizen's Advisory Committee Item 6 - Adopt final Active Transportation Plan - PRESENTED AT MEETING Item 7 - Res. 631-20 amending the FY 20/21 Overall Work Program Item 7 (a) - Memo re: FY 20/21 OWPItem 7 (b) - Amended pages of the OWPItem 7 (c) - OWP Budget SummaryItem 8 - Dedicating CMAQ funds as match dollars for ATP Projects - NO ATTACHMENTSItem 9 - Res. 630-20 re-allocating funds for the Jacksonville Rd. Bridge Item 9 (a) - TCTC Res. 545-16Reports
TCTC September Agenda.pdfDownload PDF • 654KBFinal Tuolumne ATP Report Only_9.14.2020Download 2020 • 15.13MBATP Response to CommentsATP_Comments Response 9-15-20.pdfDownload PDF • 170KBBackground InformationItem 2 - August Meeting Minutes Item 3 - Res. 629-20 Approving the State of Good Repair ProgramItem 3 (a) - August 1st Estimate Item 4 - Res. 628-20 authorizing the Exec. Dir. to receive Federal/State funding Item 4 (a) - Resolution 573-17Item 5 - Re-appointment of Bob Asquith to the Citizen's Advisory Committee Item 6 - Adopt final Active Transportation Plan - PRESENTED AT MEETING Item 7 - Res. 631-20 amending the FY 20/21 Overall Work Program Item 7 (a) - Memo re: FY 20/21 OWPItem 7 (b) - Amended pages of the OWPItem 7 (c) - OWP Budget SummaryItem 8 - Dedicating CMAQ funds as match dollars for ATP Projects - NO ATTACHMENTSItem 9 - Res. 630-20 re-allocating funds for the Jacksonville Rd. Bridge Item 9 (a) - TCTC Res. 545-16Reports