TCTC (tac.cac) Meeting Agenda for September 2, 2020Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2020Item 3 - Adopt Final Active Transportation Plan - No AttachmentsItem 4 - Resolution 629-20 Approving the State of Good Repair Item 4 (a) - August 1 Estimate Item 5 - Resolution 628-20 Authorizing the Exec. Director to receive/protect Federal/State Funding Item 5 (a) - Resolution 573-17Item 6 - Resolution 631-20 Amending the FY 20/21 Overall Work Program Item 7 - Local Match Dollars for ATP Projects - No Attachment Item 8 - Resolution 630-20 - Reallocate funds to Jacksonville Road Bridge Project Item 8 (a) - Resolution 545-16Item 8 (b) - Request for re-allocation Reports
Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2020Item 3 - Adopt Final Active Transportation Plan - No AttachmentsItem 4 - Resolution 629-20 Approving the State of Good Repair Item 4 (a) - August 1 Estimate Item 5 - Resolution 628-20 Authorizing the Exec. Director to receive/protect Federal/State Funding Item 5 (a) - Resolution 573-17Item 6 - Resolution 631-20 Amending the FY 20/21 Overall Work Program Item 7 - Local Match Dollars for ATP Projects - No Attachment Item 8 - Resolution 630-20 - Reallocate funds to Jacksonville Road Bridge Project Item 8 (a) - Resolution 545-16Item 8 (b) - Request for re-allocation Reports