TCTC (tac.cac) Meeting Agenda for August 5, 2020AgendaBackground InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2020Item 3 - Contract with Wood Rodgers for Consulting Services Item 3 - RFQ for consulting services Item 4 - Resolutions 624-627/20 approving LTF allocations Item 4 - Resolution 625-20Item 4 - Resolution 626-20Item 4 - Resolution 627-20 Item 4 - LTF Allocations Item 5 - TCTC Entering into letter of agreement with SJCOG for CMAQ Exchange funds - NO ATTACHMENTSItem 6 - SR 49 Complete Streets Corridor Plan - Sonora -Jamestown Corridor StudyItem 6 - Jamestown to Columbia Corridor Study Item 6 - Multi Modal Corridor Plan Item 7 - Draft Final Triennial Performance Audit of the TCTCItem 8 - Draft Tuolumne County Active Transportation Plan (Powerpoint)Draft Active Transportation PlanItem 9 - Peaceful Oak Construction Award - Bid Summary Item 9 - Summary of RTIP County Share Proposals Item 10 - SR49 Project Initiation Document Reports
AgendaBackground InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2020Item 3 - Contract with Wood Rodgers for Consulting Services Item 3 - RFQ for consulting services Item 4 - Resolutions 624-627/20 approving LTF allocations Item 4 - Resolution 625-20Item 4 - Resolution 626-20Item 4 - Resolution 627-20 Item 4 - LTF Allocations Item 5 - TCTC Entering into letter of agreement with SJCOG for CMAQ Exchange funds - NO ATTACHMENTSItem 6 - SR 49 Complete Streets Corridor Plan - Sonora -Jamestown Corridor StudyItem 6 - Jamestown to Columbia Corridor Study Item 6 - Multi Modal Corridor Plan Item 7 - Draft Final Triennial Performance Audit of the TCTCItem 8 - Draft Tuolumne County Active Transportation Plan (Powerpoint)Draft Active Transportation PlanItem 9 - Peaceful Oak Construction Award - Bid Summary Item 9 - Summary of RTIP County Share Proposals Item 10 - SR49 Project Initiation Document Reports