TCTA Meeting Agenda for June 10, 2020Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of May 13, 2020Item 2 - Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2020Item 3 - Resolution 58-20 approving FY19/20 Year End Budget Revisions Item 3 - Year End Estimates Item 3 - CARES Act Item 4 - Resolution 56-20 approving TCTA FY 20/21 Budget Item 4 - Pay Schedule Posting Item 4 - FY 20/21 Budget Summary Item 5 - Agreement for Card Lock Fueling Services Item 6 - 2 Year Lease Extension for Transit Facility Item 7 Draft Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan Item 8 - Updte on Transit Service during COVID 19Reports
Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of May 13, 2020Item 2 - Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2020Item 3 - Resolution 58-20 approving FY19/20 Year End Budget Revisions Item 3 - Year End Estimates Item 3 - CARES Act Item 4 - Resolution 56-20 approving TCTA FY 20/21 Budget Item 4 - Pay Schedule Posting Item 4 - FY 20/21 Budget Summary Item 5 - Agreement for Card Lock Fueling Services Item 6 - 2 Year Lease Extension for Transit Facility Item 7 Draft Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan Item 8 - Updte on Transit Service during COVID 19Reports