TCTC Meetinga Agenda for November 13, 2019Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - October Meeting Minutes Item 3 - Res. 611-19 Amending the FY 19/20 OWP Item 3 - FY 19/20 OWP Amendment #2Item 3 - 19/20 Budget Amendment Item 3 - OWP Submittal Amendments #2Item 4 - Scope of Work/RFP for Triennial Performance Audits Item 4 - Agreement and Scope of Work Item 5 - Update on RFP for Bicycle Tourism Plan - Presented at the Meeting Item 6 - SB743 VMT Study Phase ! and Phase !! Scope of Work/Project ScheduleItem 6 - Tuolumne Regional Travel Demand Model Memo Item 6 - Tuolumne SB743 VMT Study Item 6 - Scope of Work Phase II Item 7 - Res. 612-19 reserving RSTP Exchange for Congested Corridor Plan - Resolution Presented at Meeting Item 7 - SR49 Congested Corridor Presentation Reports
Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - October Meeting Minutes Item 3 - Res. 611-19 Amending the FY 19/20 OWP Item 3 - FY 19/20 OWP Amendment #2Item 3 - 19/20 Budget Amendment Item 3 - OWP Submittal Amendments #2Item 4 - Scope of Work/RFP for Triennial Performance Audits Item 4 - Agreement and Scope of Work Item 5 - Update on RFP for Bicycle Tourism Plan - Presented at the Meeting Item 6 - SB743 VMT Study Phase ! and Phase !! Scope of Work/Project ScheduleItem 6 - Tuolumne Regional Travel Demand Model Memo Item 6 - Tuolumne SB743 VMT Study Item 6 - Scope of Work Phase II Item 7 - Res. 612-19 reserving RSTP Exchange for Congested Corridor Plan - Resolution Presented at Meeting Item 7 - SR49 Congested Corridor Presentation Reports