TCTC Agenda - June 12th 2019TCTC AgendaBackground ReportItem 2 - May MinutesItem 3 - SGR AllocationItem 3 - Resolution 598-19Item 4 - FY 19/20 Final OWPItem 4 - FY 19/20 Final OWP Budget SummaryItem 4 - Resolution - 599-19 - Final OWPItem 5 - County Letter Requesting to Reallocate FundsItem 5 - Resolution 589-18Item 5 - Resolution 600-19 - RSTP to Bridge Preventative MaintItem 6 - Recommended Budget SummaryItem 6 - Resolution 601-19- Recommended Budget
TCTC AgendaBackground ReportItem 2 - May MinutesItem 3 - SGR AllocationItem 3 - Resolution 598-19Item 4 - FY 19/20 Final OWPItem 4 - FY 19/20 Final OWP Budget SummaryItem 4 - Resolution - 599-19 - Final OWPItem 5 - County Letter Requesting to Reallocate FundsItem 5 - Resolution 589-18Item 5 - Resolution 600-19 - RSTP to Bridge Preventative MaintItem 6 - Recommended Budget SummaryItem 6 - Resolution 601-19- Recommended Budget