TCTC (tac.cac) Meeting Agenda for June 5, 2019AgendaBackground InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2019Item 3 - Res. 598-19 Approving State of Good Repair Item 3 - FY 19/20 Allocations Item 4 - Res. 599-19 Approving the 19/20 Overall Work Program Item 4 - Final Overall Work Program Item 4 - Budget SummaryItem 5 - Res. 600-19 Authorization to exchange funds to fund Bridge Preventative Maintenance Item 5 - Request from County to Allocate funds Item 5 - Resolution 589-18Item 6 - Resolution 601-19 - Approving the recommended TCTC budget for FY 19/20Item 6 - Recommended Budget Reports
AgendaBackground InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2019Item 3 - Res. 598-19 Approving State of Good Repair Item 3 - FY 19/20 Allocations Item 4 - Res. 599-19 Approving the 19/20 Overall Work Program Item 4 - Final Overall Work Program Item 4 - Budget SummaryItem 5 - Res. 600-19 Authorization to exchange funds to fund Bridge Preventative Maintenance Item 5 - Request from County to Allocate funds Item 5 - Resolution 589-18Item 6 - Resolution 601-19 - Approving the recommended TCTC budget for FY 19/20Item 6 - Recommended Budget Reports