TCTC Meeting Agenda for March 13, 2019Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of February Item 3 - Tuolumne County MOU for Trails Item 4 - Res. 594-19 approving the FY18/19 Unmet Transit Needs Findings Report Item 4 (a) - Proof of Publication Item 4 (b) - Request for Public Comment Item 4 (c) - Res. 515-15 UTN DefinitionsItem 4 (d) - Unmet Transit Needs Findings report for FY 18/19Item 5 - TCTC Draft Overall Work Program for FY 2019/2020 Item 5 a) Project List Item 5 (b) - Draft OWP Schedule Item 6 - Res. 595-19 authorizing the Exec, Dir. to sigh LCTOP allocation amounts for transit Item 6 - LCTOP Grant Application Item 7 - Consideration of Congestion Mitigation Air Quality programming priorities Item 8 - Res. 596-19 approving the TCTC/TCTA Lease Agreement for 975 Morning Star Item 8 - Lease Agreement Reports
Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of February Item 3 - Tuolumne County MOU for Trails Item 4 - Res. 594-19 approving the FY18/19 Unmet Transit Needs Findings Report Item 4 (a) - Proof of Publication Item 4 (b) - Request for Public Comment Item 4 (c) - Res. 515-15 UTN DefinitionsItem 4 (d) - Unmet Transit Needs Findings report for FY 18/19Item 5 - TCTC Draft Overall Work Program for FY 2019/2020 Item 5 a) Project List Item 5 (b) - Draft OWP Schedule Item 6 - Res. 595-19 authorizing the Exec, Dir. to sigh LCTOP allocation amounts for transit Item 6 - LCTOP Grant Application Item 7 - Consideration of Congestion Mitigation Air Quality programming priorities Item 8 - Res. 596-19 approving the TCTC/TCTA Lease Agreement for 975 Morning Star Item 8 - Lease Agreement Reports