TCTC Meeting Agenda for October 10, 2018Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2018Item 3 - Certification of Recognition for Betty Kibble of Caltrans Item 4 - Unmet Transit Needs HearingItem 4 - Resolution 515-15 - Defining Unmet Needs Item 4 - Request for Public Comment Item 5 - Public Hearing for the FY 18/19 Final Budget Item 5 - Resolution 591-18 Item 6 - Access improvements to Chicken Ranch Road Item 7 - Amendment to Executive Director Contract Reports
Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2018Item 3 - Certification of Recognition for Betty Kibble of Caltrans Item 4 - Unmet Transit Needs HearingItem 4 - Resolution 515-15 - Defining Unmet Needs Item 4 - Request for Public Comment Item 5 - Public Hearing for the FY 18/19 Final Budget Item 5 - Resolution 591-18 Item 6 - Access improvements to Chicken Ranch Road Item 7 - Amendment to Executive Director Contract Reports