TCTC Meeting Agenda for October 11, 2017AgendaBackground InformationItem 2 - September Meeting Minutes Item 3 - Res. 574-17 adopting the 17/18 OWPItem 3 - Final OWP FY 17/18Item 3 - Final FY 17/18 Budget Item 4 - Schedule Unmet Transit Needs Hearing for 12/13/2017Item 5 - Re-authorize Executive Director to sign documents for fundingItem 6 - Final Draft of the Coordinating Council for Plug-In Electric Vehicles - Goals, etc.Item 7 - RFP to hire consultant to produce Readiness Plan for Zero Emission Vehicles Item 8 - Funding Programs from SB-1Item 9 - Cooperative Agreement with Sierra Railroad Item 9 - Letters of Support Item 10 - Project Proposal for SR49/Washington Street Reports
AgendaBackground InformationItem 2 - September Meeting Minutes Item 3 - Res. 574-17 adopting the 17/18 OWPItem 3 - Final OWP FY 17/18Item 3 - Final FY 17/18 Budget Item 4 - Schedule Unmet Transit Needs Hearing for 12/13/2017Item 5 - Re-authorize Executive Director to sign documents for fundingItem 6 - Final Draft of the Coordinating Council for Plug-In Electric Vehicles - Goals, etc.Item 7 - RFP to hire consultant to produce Readiness Plan for Zero Emission Vehicles Item 8 - Funding Programs from SB-1Item 9 - Cooperative Agreement with Sierra Railroad Item 9 - Letters of Support Item 10 - Project Proposal for SR49/Washington Street Reports